Handwriting Without Tears

Handwriting Without Tears is a program that many OTs and teachers use. According to the program's website:

"The goal of Handwriting Without Tears® is to make legible and fluent handwriting an easy and automatic skill for all students. The unique and compelling curriculum design and teaching strategies facilitate this goal.

The curriculum uses multi-sensory techniques and consistent habits for letter formation to teach handwriting to all students—Pre-K through Cursive. In addition, HWT provides parents and teachers the instructional techniques and activities to help improve a child's self-confidence, pencil grip, body awareness, posture and so much more!

Handwriting Without Tears® uses fun, entertaining and educationally sound principles in its instructional methods. The lessons are well thought out and need minimal preparation time to be used. The curriculum has been successfully taught to millions of teachers, therapists and parents across the country. The end result is truly "Handwriting Without Tears" for the students, the parents the teachers and the administrators!

Handwriting Without Tears® costs about ½ the large publishers' programs. But schools and parents tell us that the real savings come from the success of the program. The curriculum is so effective that they do not have to spend time or money on evaluations, special education, and/or other extra resources. The best costs less." (http://www.hwtears.com)

Check it out....

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